“Hope Reframed”
Advent brings us a wonderful spirit of Hope of all God has done and will do, but it’s also true that the Messiah was hoped for in Jesus’ time and he spent a lot of his ministry reframing people’s expectations with God’s true hope. Are we open to the same reframing we may need?
“Jesus Our Good Shepherd, Christ Our Mighty King”
Honoring the range of titles God holds, roles God plays, and ways God connects with us in our lives. Especially appreciating the ways God is a king with reign and influence in our lives, but with a character quite different than earthly kings.
“Thankful to be a Bother”
Sometimes we can feel as if there is no room left for us in God’s movement in the world, or that important things happening are only for certain kinds of people that doesn’t include us. How can we be ready to bring our full experiences to God and discern what place God does have for all of us in the Kingdom that transforms the whole world?
“The Big Picture is Not the Whole Picture”
Recognizing and being thankful that God is able to move in people’s lives without being frozen by choice paralysis or overlooking what others might deem unimportant. Can we be led to find our own specific roles within God’s kingdom to participate and not be caught up in the crowd?
“Joining in Life that Defeats Death”
As we reflect on the meaning of All Saints Sunday and get ready for an especially busy time of year, how does a unique example of Jesus encountering death help us better understand the fullness of living salvation life in connection with our spiritual family across time, space and circumstance?
“Truly Lowly is Truly Loved”
We continue to learn how God can bring grace, dignity and love to every season and circumstance of our lives through a powerful encounter Jesus had with a community that transformed everyone in each perspective of the encounter… starting with a woman whose struggles left her feeling unworthy of any place.
A powerful portrayal of how we can bring all the types of soil of our lives before God and seed weeds transformed into an amazing harvest because of God's cultivation and what we can share with each other as led by God's love.
“Choosing to Plant Seeds”
Learning how we can follow God’s lead to choose life and have the impact of a mustard seed growing to a home for all and yeast that works through and transforms what’s around it.
“The Joy of Serving the Mystery”
A chance to learn about releasing the need for control and accumulation of power, and find the freedom of finding our simple place in God’s Kingdom that is beyond us, but includes us.
“The Worldly Meaning of Mustard Weeds”
What does it mean that a God who can transform anything like yeast spreading through dough also moves amongst a world of wheat and weeds mixed together?
“Splitting Rocks to Bring Forth Life”
Can we see how the Rock of our Salvation is reliable and faithful, is gracious and responsive to break and bring comfort to all our struggles and seasons, and is capable of leading a community that deals with obstacles together and brings a harvest of salvation life?
“Assured Scattering”
Continuing to learn deeply from Jesus’ seeds parables. If the sower scatters the gospels to all circumstances, how does the farming and cultivating continue in the whole range of results and experiences?
Is a Seed Young or Old?
Beginning the Grace of Generative Growth sermon series and a deep look at Jesus’ seeds parables. Can we see value in all seasons of life to experience the full richness of salvation life together?
“Charting Paths to Be Followed”
Finding ways God not only helps us be explorers, but cartographers of salvation life that others can join and follow.
“The Letting Go of Love”
Finding how God is gracious and patient with us when we go astray, like a rumspringa, and helps us to do so with others, too.
“Empowered for Ups and Downs”
Finding how God gives us the sometimes needed extra encouragement - like helping to follow through on riding a roller coaster for the first time.
“The Joy of God’s Presence”
Testimonies of service and friendship from those leading prayer and hymn groups at local retirement communities.
“Wandering for Real Worth”
Finding God making a world full of satisfaction and joy against worry and meaningless that we can explore freely and patiently like an immersive hiker.
“Supporting, Succeeding, Scouting”
Scouting stories serve as analogies for understanding God’s special support that invites us to be part of the succession plan of God’s Kingdom.
“Developing on Detours”
Finding how taking the right detours for the right reasons are actually part of God’s plan.