
Click Here to Go to Our Dedicated Giving Site and Select a Fund to Contribute To.

See tips below for navigating the giving site...

Quick Tips

Click the link above to go to our dedicated giving options page. (Special note - you can give as a guest, or create an account with the company that safely processes these payments, Vanco. On any of the following screens, you can click "Sign Up" in the top right to create an account, or "Log In" to access your already created account. This will allow you to save payment methods, track repeating, saved, and pending payments more easily, etc.)

Screen 1: Click on the fund or type of giving you'd like to contribute to and you'll be taken to an amount screen.

Screen 2: Type in the amount you'd like to give. If you plan on doing a one-time gift, select "Once, Now" from the Frequency drop down. If you'd like to make the gift recurring, select the appropriate frequency from the drop down, and then type in the date you want the giving to start. Last, click Add to Basket to go to next screen.

Screen 3: On the right side of the screen will be a window with details about the giving you chose to do. Confirm all the info is correct, and then click Proceed to Payment to continue.

Screen 4: On the left hand side of the screen, enter your payment information (ie. card number, billing address). This can be for a credit or debit card, or a direct payment from your bank account - just make sure to click which you would like to do from the two tabs right below "Payment Method." One the right hand side of the screen, you can continue to confirm your giving amount and fund, as well as choose whether to add a small extra amount to cover processing fees on top of your initial intended amount. (If you don't select this, they will come out of your stated amount - eg. $10 donation without processing fees covered has ~$9.72 go to church... $10 donation with covered processing fees will charge you ~$10.28) Click Continue to Review to go to final confirmation screen for your gift.

Screen 5: Click Submit if all payment information matches what you intend.


Thank You for Investing in the Work of Our Church Family

We all know giving can be a sensitive subject. It's not a simple thing for most people - not only because there's a lot of bills and commitments we also need to dedicate our resources to, but also because there's a lot of need in the world and a lot of people and organizations doing their best to do something that helps and transforms.

At GC3, we strive to be a church family that is extending home - full welcome, care, and God's inclusive love - to all we could come in contact with such that we are community worth investing in in lots of ways, including financially. (We've also done our best to find a platform we feel is trustworthy with your gifts, and that facilitates your generosity as well as possible rather than making it a hassle. Reach out to if you have any questions or issues.)

Thank you for generously being a part of that and helping empower what we do to follow God and join in the transformation of the world.

Please do also feel welcome to contact us about ways beyond finances to invest in what we're doing, to help us make sure what we're doing follows God and is worth investing in, and to help us connect with partners to maximize the impact of your investment. Grace and peace.