“A Crisis of Contentment”

Sermon given by Pastor Robb on September 8, 2024.

Continues this summer’s Finding Faith Off the Beaten Path sermon series.

Covers Psalm 145:14-21 and Philippians 4:4-14.

Our society is experiencing more and more elements of stress and anxiety. We can know God offers grace and peace, but then maybe worry that if we still experience anxiety we are failing in faith and God would abandon us. We can see that God does want to relieve us from these feelings and experiences, but not like someone yelling “just calm down” to make a heated argument worse, but like a companion who empathizes with struggle, and has meaningful ways for going all the way through whatever we experience, good or bad.

Click here to listen to this week’s sermon…


“Moved by the Reality of God”


“People Who Have Come Alive”